Saturday, November 10, 2007

World War Z - Max Brooks

This book is AWESOME! I mean it really. I picked it up on a lark. I thought what is this...zombie fiction? Zombie fiction, what the heck is zombie fiction? The world has changed. Zombies have risen all over the world. Cities are destroyed. Millions of people are dead. Civilization is completely different. It sounds utterly ridiculous. But the book is fantastic. Brooks writes first person accounts of the experience totally straitlaced. You hear from doctors who discovered the condition. Politicians who came up with policy to deal with it. Soldiers who fought the zombies. Regular civilians from all over the world who survived and how they did it.

On the Four Star Scale

Sap Factor ( ) - I didn't feel sappy about this book but we are talking millions of people dying her so I can't say it wouldn't affect everyone else the same way.

Naughty Bits (***) - Potty words, desperation, violence, and perhaps some reference to sex.

Readability (****) - 352 pages. The writing jumps around from author to author. The tone is serious. You would think that it would be difficult but it isn't. It is hard to put it down. You want to know the end. See the resolution.

Final notes - This book is not for the faint of heart but to me it was a masterpiece. The amount of detail and thought that went into this reality was brilliant. I mean come on zombies are totally unrealistic but he weaves the story and you can see it.

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