Thursday, May 8, 2008

The White Masai: My Exotic Tale of Love and Adventure - Corinne Hofmann

Corinne Hofmann was a Swedish tourist on holiday in Kenya with her live in boyfriend. Then she saw a Masai warrior on a ferry. She became obsessed. Within a few short days she had broken up with her boyfriend and tried to get "her Masai" out of jail. She had to return to Switzerland but swore she'd be back in spite of language barriers. She sold her business and her apartment and returned to Kenya not even sure if "her Masai" liked her or where he was. She found him, found he did like her, and then married him. For four years she lived in a remote village. She had malaria three times, almost died twice, had TB and had to be quarantined, started a store, and had a baby. After four years she took her daughter and returned to Switzerland.

On the five star scale

Sap Factor () -

Naughty Bits (****) - Definite lusting and drug use.

Readability (****) - 320 pages.

Final notes (**) - After I read Reunion I had to read this book to figure out what would posses someone to leave everything known for the unknown. I never really figured it out. Yes there was lust but it became evident very quickly that Masai culture does not lend itself to ours as well. Corinne sticks it out in village life for four years though much of which she is sick. She also builds a store and helps support the village long after she leaves.

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