Thursday, May 8, 2008

Reunion in Barsaloi - Corinne Hofmann

When Corinne Hofmann fled Kenya with her two year old daughter she didn't know if she would ever be back. Fourteen years later she returned to see her ex-husband and his family that she considered her own.

On the five star scale

Sap Factor () - This book is about reunion but for me personally all of the emotion you would normal expect were absent. It was almost told in a clinical manner.

Naughty Bits ()-

Readability (***) - 162 page, interesting story.

Final notes (**) - I picked this book up because the cover looked interesting. A few pages in and I realized I had started the story at the end. Corinne Hofmann told why she was in Kenya in a book previous. She then told about returning to Switzerland, in another book. This book was about returning to see her ex husband and his family. Of brining back photos of his daughter so he could see the woman she was becoming. Of getting pictures for her daughter so she could see the land where she was born. I found some of the thing Corinne did really irritating and her writing style was not my taste but the story of a vacationer who gives up everything to marry a Masai warrior was interesting.

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