Friday, April 11, 2008

The Time Thief - Linda Buckley Archer

I'm a big fan of children's books. I can't help it. As a child I had to read all of the Rural Dahl books. In college I read all the Harry Potter books. One week during my marriage we read allowed all of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe books. I just really enjoy children's books. They are creative and exciting and you can finish them in a night. Also they are fun to read out loud. Currently my family is obsessed with the Linda Archer books. We listened to the first one, Gideon the Cutpurse, last summer on our way to Utah. It was exciting, well written, and very factual. Shortly after we were reading this book on the history of capital punishment. Multiple times we looked over and laughed..."Hey that was in Gideon." After finishing Harry Potter we were so excited to find a new series. Imagine our dismay when we discovered Gideon was the first book in the series and the next one wouldn't be out until December. Then December came and still no book. Then in March the book finally came around and we were the first ones to get a copy from our library. The Time Thief picks up where Gideon left off. Peter is still in the past. The Tar Man is still in the future. Kateis in the future but with a "faded" look. Kateand Peter's father go back to find Peter but are thirty years to late. Meanwhile the Tar Man is wreaking havoc all over the 21st century.

On the Five Star Scale

Naughty Bits () - There is a little violence here but this is a good book.

Readability (*****) - 512 pages. Fast read. Full of lots of great historical tidbits.

Final notes (*****) - This book was great. There was one tiny place where Dr. J and I turned to each other and said, "OK that was not true to the story," but otherwise it was a great read. We are anxiously awaiting the third and final book, the end of the Kate and Peter saga.

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