Monday, March 31, 2008

A Book Tag

So April [who I thought was my friend :) ] tagged me. Here is the deal, you pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123, and post the fifth sentence. So here goes. I'm struggling here because there is a speech sentence and I can't decide if the fifth sentence should be.

"I snickered."

But see maybe that isn't the fifth sentence because technically it is all part of the sentence "

What way? Love at first sight?" I snickered.

So maybe the actual fifth sentence is...

"His dark eyes were critical of my reaction."

Wonder what book I picked up yet? Well it is...

Am I reading Eclipse? No not yet and hopefully not ever! OK that was a little harsh. I have to admit holding the book in my hands has peaked my curiosity but really for now I just happen to be at my sisters house and it was the first book I saw. I tag Angi, Bridget, Nancy, Sammi, and any one who happens to see this post. Just pick up the nearest book, turn to page 123, and type in the fifth sentence. Fun!


Bridget said...

Just read it already, Crystal!!

I'll post my sentence here and eventually on my own blog:

"The prosettlement group Americans for a Safe Israel distributed a thirty-page pamphlet smearing Breira's leaders for their involvement with other left-wing causes and referring to them as "Jews for Fatah."

Hmmmmmmmm...sounds a little weird without any context. It's from The Israel Lobby.

Jason said...

Crys, It looks like you ran out of steam to keep up your book blog. I know you have read more than what you have posted in the last few months.

Rachel said...

I read the first one in the series and don't care to read any of the rest.

"And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and thou shalt put them upon the two ends of the breastplate in the border thereof, which is in the side of the ephod inward."