Friday, February 27, 2009

Girl Boy Girl, How I Became JT LeRoy - Savannah Knoop

This book is the memoir of Savannah Knoop and her time pretending to be JT LeRoy. JT LeRoy was a fictional character created by her sister-in-law Laura. During a time when Laura was a practical shut in she began calling teen help lines and pretending she was a young gay man doing tricks on the street. Laura was convincing enough that she had a psychologist sharing her stories with his class, reports that wrote news articles about JT and finally two books published. At some point Laura asked her sister-in-law to dress up as JT for fifty bucks and a wax job. For six years Savannah and Laura played this game, fooling reporters, actors, singers, movie people, and even a lover. Finally they were exposed by a reporter who figured out who Savannah really was.

Out of Five Stars I give this book Four (****). The writing is a crud but I found myself totally enrapped...not in JT but in what would possess these two woman to make up such outlandish lies and to go to such lenghts to protect them. I just wondered what is really going on with these woman. It was also facinating that they were able to convince so many people these lies were truth even when the evidence before them proved that was not the case. Naughty but truly facinating.