Saturday, September 27, 2008

Arthemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer

There are currently six books in this series and I have read five. All of them follow Arthemis Fowl genius, bad guy, and twelve. In the first book Arthemis captures a fairy Holly Short a (LEP) officer and holds her ransom. Five books later Arthemis and Holly are friends fighting crime.

On the five star scale

Naughty Bits (*)- These books are written for young boys. There is some potty humor to be sure.

Readability (****) - Very readable. Easy to finish in a day.

Final notes (****) - These books are extremely funny and a fast read. Dr J was upset because they keep emphasizing how extensive Arthemis' vocabulary is but then keep the book at a sixth grade level but I thought the entertainment factor was worth the aggravation.

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